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The Gone Jackals  C.D."Bone To Pick"is the featured soundtrack to the
smash interactive motorcycle P.C. game-LucasArts' Full Throttle .
"Along the way, you're treated to a terrific soundtrack from biker band GONE JACKALS"
- Entertainment Weekly
"A lot of movie soundtrack compilers would eat their hearts out over how good FULL THROTTLE's soundtrack is"
- Computer Gaming World
"The Gone Jackals possessed the right sound and attitude to bring the essential hard rock integrity to FULL THROTTLE"
- Multimedia Musician
"The Gone Jackals' wild rock score is hard enough to melt the ink from the tattoos of real live bikers" 
- Electronic Musician
"Rockin' game music that doesn't suck by a band called the Gone Jackals" 
- Strategy Plus

"It's the best soundtrack I've heard, hands-down" 
- Editor's Choice P.C. Gamer

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Action Scene from Full Throttle >

Scene from Full Throttle